What is the Best Blog Host for You?
Each year there are millions of new websites surfacing. However this means that in order to get viewers, the site needs to stand out and one way to do this is getting a good host. When starting a blog it is easy to set one up using just basic technology but getting noticed will require a good host. These hosts will know how to help the user reach their intended viewers. But as well as there being thousands of blog sites out there, there are also hundreds of blog hosts as well. So how to choose? Listed below are just a few of the top blog hosts to think about when preparing a blog page.
With both a .com and .org available WordPress is very easy to use and install. It is still a rather basic platform but perfect for beginners looking to start out. It doesn’t need much customisation and offers users a number of premade templates that can be downloaded for free. It is recommended to start on .com and then at a later stage upgrade to the .org site, which offers more customisation options that are both free and paid.
This is one of the older blog sits much beloved by older bloggers. Very simple in format, it is very straightforward to post content and then to publish it. Offering a few widgets to enhance the site, some users will need to get to know a smidgeon of coding in order to customise the site and make give it a little more zing. In addition to this, it is a Google owned platform that allows users to create a full integration with the Google apps.
Operating at a low cost but offering exceptional hosting, this is one of the top sites. Catering to the beginners, the start up process is simple. For those that prefer to build a site, there is the option to add a WordPress site simply by the click of a button. Hostgator offers high quality sites that are fast and safe. With 24/7 support it is also easy to get help when things start to go sideways.
One of the simplest sites in terms of creating a bright and professional looking site, Wix creates sites through the use of a drag and drop function. This basically builds the entire website. However users should beware that Wix will charge for almost everything. Most of the basic elements are free but also a lot of the extra features that help to make the website looking great, will cost a significant amount extra.
There are of course many more blog hosts available and the right choice may still be slightly different for each user. It is still recommended that users outline what features are the most important to them and search host sites specifically for these qualities. Budget, speed, security, extra features, support and of course reputation are some of the key things that new bloggers should be checking out for when choosing their host as each will offer slightly different options.