How to learn programming for free
Studying programming has never been easy. You can find online tutors who charge thousands of euros to teach you a basic programming course, but why spend out all that money when you don’t have to? Here we are going to discuss some of the ways to learn the basics of programming without spending a dime.
Enrol in a Trusted and Free Programming Course
There are a lot of programming sites that offer an online course for free. There are many experts in website development who have voluntarily dedicated their time to teaching programming. The most popular sites include CodeAcademy, Coursera, Udemy, aGupieWare and w3schools. The popular courses include basic HTML, CSS3, JavaScript and Databases.
Attending a Free Programming Course Boot Camp
Many companies have dedicated their time to teaching people (especially students) different programming skills. Their main aim is to give programmers an overview of what is expected in the job market. By so doing, they bridge the gap between skills and job requirements. Most companies, such as Google and Microsoft, offer free bootcamp training.
To sum up, we all know that programming requires time and resources to learn the required skills. However, it is not a must to study it at college or spend a lot of money purchasing learning materials. Free programming training is a proven way to acquire the competitive skills needed in this field.