Essentials When Optimizing Your Site
Your website must be fully SEO optimised in order to gain any sort of rankings on search engines and allow your website to be seen. Many people think that creating a website is easy and only requires content posting to rank on search engines when in reality, this isn’t true whatsoever.
What Exactly is SEO?
SEO is a way of ensuring your website can be found on search engines by words and phrases that are related to what your website is offering.
Basically, as a whole, SEO is an umbrella term to ensure the visibility of your website’s contents.
Why Is SEO Important?
Building a strong SEO foundation will help search engines to index your site quickly and with no difficulties and provide users with a seamless experience of using your website and may also encourage users to return once again.
In terms of traffic being brought to your website, the clearest way to get them there is good and fully functioning SEO.
What Is Needed To Optimise A Website?
- Keyword Research
Keywords are search terms in which words or phrases will be entered into search engines to find relevant/specific information online. Keywords are important as it is what will direct users to your website, so you need to find great keywords to drive them there.
- Page Titles
Page titles will include keywords that are related to your content and help search engines to understand exactly what your web page is and what it is about.
Having a good page title will allow search engines to index your web pages in the correct way for the keywords and phrases. Having a catchy title can also draw in users and catch their attention to read your content.
- Meta Descriptions
Though not so important for search engine ranking reasons, it is highly recommended to use meta descriptions by top SEO experts and blogs as it will help to gain clicks via search engine results.
- URL Structure
Having a well-structured URL provides an easy to understand guide for both human and technology to understand.
The best way to properly structure a URL is to remove extra words and only include the relevant keywords, utilise hyphens and underscores to separate words, make it easily readable and avoid keyword stuffing.
- Image Optimisation
Optimising your images for your blog can allow the images to be seen on search engines and redirect back to your website. If you properly title them and use the proper phrasing you will always have a chance to show up as a related search on search engines.